Nintendo Blurs Line Between Mobile and Home Gaming with Latest Console, "switch"
N intendo has finally unveiled its next-gen console. The code-named “NX” platform is in fact called Switch. Switch is both a mobile and...
N intendo has finally unveiled its next-gen console. The code-named “NX” platform is in fact called Switch. Switch is both a mobile and...
R BC this week announced two initiatives in collaboration with the University of Toronto. The initiatives are designed to maintain Canad...
N otion AI, a communications intelligence startup, this week launched from stealth with $9.5 million of funding to “solve communications ...
Google is seeking new branded content opportunities for it’s YouTube stars with its acquisition of FameBit. Announced yesterday, Google pi...
Google plans to create a separate mobile index for its search engine, the company announced this week. And it plans to make that index its...
I ts not that new about etisalat increasing their data plans as we are already used to it, but this one is quite shocking as they just inc...
New Ventures BC and the BC Innovation Council kicked off Vancouver Startup Week by awarding $300,000 in cash and prizes to eight BC-base...