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Etusalat data plans now increases

Its not that new about etisalat increasing their data plans as we are already used to it, but this one is quite shocking as they just increased it not quite long after...ts not that new about etisalat increasing their data plans as we are already used to it, but this one is quite shocking as they just increased it not quite long after...

Earlier Etisalat data plan as seen below
1.5GB for N1000,dial *229*2*7#
3.5GB for N2,000dial *229*2*8#
5GB for N6,500   dial *229*2*3#
8GB for N8000    dial *229*2*5#
10GB for N10,000 dial*229*2*5#
But now,EtisalatMonthly databundle prices as seen below:
*.1GB for N1000
*.1.5GB for N1200
*.1GB + 500MB night plan for N1000
*.2.5GB for N2000
*.3.5GB for N2500
*.2GB + 1.5GB night plan N2000
So what do you think about this new changes from Etisalat?.. Are we still save in this bad recession Era?..

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