iPhone 7 Plus More Popular Form Factor This Year; Black By Far Top Color Choice
Fo r the first time, the larger form factor iPhone is the more popular. This year the 7 Plus is accounting for 55% of iPhone sales comp...
Fo r the first time, the larger form factor iPhone is the more popular. This year the 7 Plus is accounting for 55% of iPhone sales comp...
The Profit 500 is out again, showcasing Canada’s hottest companies. The companies on this year’s list grew sales by an average of 686% ove...
To day Toronto based Financeit , a leading cloud-based point-of-sale financing platform, and Concentra, a Saskatchewan based trust soluti...
In ternet Radio service Pandora just rolled out a host of new features in its attempt to compete with Spotify and Apple Music. The chan...
Yo u’ve all heard the name by now: PayPal. One of the world’s leading platforms for digital commerce is still going strong today, 17 years...
There are so many ways of making money online.. Tried some and they are working;) These days more and more people are finding that the...
App le shares hit a new high for 2016 today following the unveiling of the iPhone 7 and Apple Watch Series 2 , which become available Fr...
La st week Samsung Electronics revealed a plan to recall 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 devices. The smartphones have been reported as having e...
The iPhone 7 is out, if you didn’t know. But of course you know. What you don’t know is whether or not it’s worth buying. Yes, it is....
If y ou’re an avid Uber user in Pittsburgh, your next ride may not be driven by a human. Uber has started a select rollout of this pilot p...
U ber' s announcement that it plans to start testing self-driving cars on city streets later this month seems like good news for t...
Ub er is moving forward with its first real-world test of their self driving cars in Pittsburgh this month. According to a report from ...
S lack is opening an office in Toronto. Founded by Vancouverite Stewart Butterfield, the Silicon Valley startup’s Toronto office comes as...
B ut now that Slack has cracked the $2 billion mark—indeed, already pushing $3 billion —data shows it’s the fastest startup not just in C...
S lack has invested $2 million across 14 companies. The corporate messaging platform announced 11 new investments, including Konsus , w...
V ersion 8 of Tesla’s Autopilot software has arrived, and the biggest change is how the car’s technology senses the world around it. “T...
I nstagram’s latest app update targets trolls. The company has added a settings feature that allows users to select keywords of their cho...
HP has agreed to buy Samsung’s printer business for $1.05 billion, a deal designed to help the Silicon Valley company reinvent and repl...
O pen Text, a global leader in Enterprise Information Management (EIM), has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Dell EMC’s en...
"Apple Watch has changed what people expect from a watch,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook on stage in San Francisco today. The “Series ...
Fo llowing the staggering success of Nintendo’s first dip into mobile gaming, the Japan-based gaming giant looks like it has a second ...